To use: wander around in game, then click the animal or character you want hints about!
The day of the week indicated is the day(s) you are able to complete their requirements.
shylme text
Birdman sits on the cliff in Twilight Canyon, and runs a bird guessing game, where you can bet on what colour bird will fly past. You can recieve love by correctly guessing each of the 4 birds.
Now I really want to stress this, there is no bonus for reviecing every love point in the game, you can beat it with less. This is incredibly time consuming and there is no trick to it. I reccomend just doing this for a little while each time you go past him, or doing it with some friends over to spectate. maybe fun with beverages if you like those.
Clis works at the Wildcat house as a waitress, and wants to become an idol. You can recieve her love after giving Dr hager 4 things he is looking for.
read hint
Kenji is a chef who runs the Wildcat house. His love can be recieved after giving Dr Hager 4 things he wants and completing Clis' event, go and see him after that!