To use: wander around in game, then click the animal or character you want hints about!
The day of the week indicated is the day(s) you are able to complete their requirements.

Caveguy is a guy in the cave! He can't sleep, maybe there is something you could give him to help him?
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Curio sells chloroform at night, see what happens if you give it to him.
Dr Stein Hager is a mad scientist, and lives in his lab after you find him in the haunted house. You can spend money to get in there, or there is another way.
getting into his lab
Instead of paying so much yenom to get into his lab, you can actually get a Hager badge from receieving Mamas' love. (check her page on how to do this) Once you have this badge, you can get an even better one by showing it to King Carefree.
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Dr hager will ask you to give him 5 peices of a rocket after being shown the King's letter. He wil give you love once you bring these to him. Below are the hints for getting these, if you want to do everything in the game avoid giving him the final piece until the you are finished with everything else. (the order of pieces doesn't matter however)
piece 1
Navigatlon- Hager specifies he is looking for a 32R-1 circuit, and has notes about it on his table. You might have seen these numbers elsewhere in technopolis, maybe the circut is already being used?
piece 1 hint 2
Robi the robot in Technopolis has the circut as part of him. When Robi charges at in his room (113), you can do a minigame by opening up his back. Depending on how much charge he has, the game will be faster or slower. Its much easier when slower, maybe come back when he has less charge?
piece 1 hint 3
Robi has the least battery on Echoday in the early morning, when you can do the simon says style minigame at its easiest. Making it through 4 sections of the minigame will give you the circut.
piece 2
Alcahol- after completing MadeSuma's even on Bali Bali island, you will wake up the next day with a perculiar item next to you. Would'nt this work as alcahol?
piece 3
propulsion - When you recieve Tamaya's love from his launcher house in tropical fields, you will recieve an item with some propulsion power.
piece 4
cooling and console - Both of these parts can be recieved at the same time. After gaining access to the secret fishing hole, you can fish out some strange items. maybe something there could work?
piece 4 hint 2
The fishing hole can be accessed after helping Tototeruri's soul, and there you can fish out the Gamestation and refridgerator. Both of these have a random chance of being fished out, so bring a lot of bait!
Gamakatsu is a fisherman who hosts a fishing tournament on Solardays.If you join it, and catch 5 fish in the time limit you will recieve his love.
This can be made slightly easier by going to the Wildcat house and eating the Kirikiri bug sautee, which increases your chances, but is still difficult and can take many tries. Good luck!
(remember you can beat the game without getting every love)
Tamaya is a man who makes fireworks beneath Tropical fields. You can enter his house by quickly standing on a firework right after it emerges from his canon house before it explodes.
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After getting into his house and meeting Tamaya, you can do a puzzle to try and build a good firework. With so many combinations however, surely there is an item in the game that has the solution?
read hint 2
If you've been to Tao's secret hiding spot and followed him, you should find a slate. when translated, this will give you the solution.
read hint 3
Here is the solution if you wanna make sure or don't wanna use the slate.
Doing this will get you his love, and an item!
read hint 4
Additionally, you should go back to see Tamaya around a week after recieving his love, see how he's going!
Papas is an American father living in the American house. His love can be recieved after you get Darlias.
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After Darlia's event, Papas will rapidly start writing his comic book. Check it out when he finishes it after a week!
Mamas is an American wife living in the American house. Her love can be recieved at night.
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Most of the day, Mamas is busy in the kitchen, and won't let you look in the fridge. There must be a way to get in without her noticing!
read hint 2
At night when Mamas either tucks Darlia into bed or goes to bed, the fridge is unguarded. look in to recieve her love.
Darlia is Mamas' and Papas' daughter, who loves her pet Perogon.
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If you examine the blue mass under her bed and come back a few days after, an event will begin? doesn't it feel familliar somehow?
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remember the game you played before getting sucked into the TV? you have to prevent the hero from killing perogon! In Darlia's room you can disguise yourself as Perogon by looking at the blue thing, but what happened next in the game again?
read hint 3
Once you are disguised, walk into the fireplace to set the suit on fire, like how the monster was on fire in the game. Go out and stop the hero!
the old man lives next to the American house and hates this. There is something he is passionate about.
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You can go into the old man's house when the windmill is making noise, do he doen't hear you. Go in at night, and move towards his table ONLY when the windmill is moving, or he will hear you and wake up. There is a note on his table that he likes the shamisen, where can you hear that?
read hint 2
There are 2 different moon discs that contain the sound of the shamisen. if you play Moon Disc 25 "Moonlit Jongara Road" or Moondisc 29 "AWA UTA" for him, you will recieve his love.
Umi is another of the Ecology siblings, similarly comical. Appears if you talk to gamakatsu on solarday, and gives you love without effort.
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