TRAVERSAL: traversing through the mushroom part of mushroom forest is pretty involved, so if you need help, here is the way to do it:
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Eat a red Myshroom to cause a path to appear in front of you.
Head up and to the right to a yellow mushroom, up past green and red mushrooms to red and yellow mushrooms, up and right to a green mushroom, and left until you reach a large blue mushroom.
Go up to a red mushroom, left to a three-way intersection, up to a red mushroom, up and left to a yellow mushroom, up and left to a green mushroom, left to red, green, and yellow mushrooms, down and left to yellow and green mushrooms, up to three mushrooms and then left to the exit.
(text lifted from this guide)

Adder ia a religious fanatic following "Sid Vitness", the divine messenger. You can recieve his love any day by talking to him and doing what he asks. This one isn't something I can help with gameplay wise, so good luck!!
Florence is a mysterious man that enjoys tripping on mushrooms in the forest. You can start getting his love after recieving Wanda's love.
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After finishing Wanda's quest, as well as eating at Wildcat house in the valley of the wind and talking to Florence, go back to Wanda's bar and order a drink. Sh will ask you to do something, see what happens when you do!
The kakunte people are little guys living in Mushroom forest. There is one injured by the door, can you help them?
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The help the injured kakunte, if you have met Florence, he will have some advice. Otherwise, maybe there is something you can give it to help?
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If you give the Kakunte a Myshroom, it will be healed!
Whisper is a ghost residing in the haunted house past mushroom forest. After setting off the alarm in the basement of the house, you can meet him.
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Once the alarm is off and the ghosts are about, you can herd them into the grandfather clock in the top right of the room. Afterwards, you can meet him, and he will tell you about a painting in the house. Maybe its worth taking a close look at it?
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If you look close at the painting then try and leave it, you will be sucked in. The man in the painting will ask for specific food. He will ask for three in total. While the exact things he asks for are not obtainable, maybe there is something similar he would like instead.
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The first two foods he requests are availlable quite easilly in castle town. The third however is a bit more specific. While he asks for caviar, its possible to fish up something a bit similar in the secret fishing hole within mushroom forest.
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The foods he wants specifically are cookies (from Gramby), a loaf of bread (from the Baker) and a tadpole. This is a random chance fishable item in the mushroom forest fishing hole, you will get one eventually if you fish enough! (you will need some other things from here for later quests so hold on to any new other items you get here too)
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